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The EU regulation aims to:
  • ensure that EU importers of 3TG (tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold) meet international responsible sourcing standards, set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
  • ensure that global and EU smelters and refiners of 3TG source responsibly;help break the link between conflict and the illegal exploitation of minerals, and;
  • help put an end to the exploitation and abuse of local communities, including mine workers, and support local development.The regulation covers minerals and metals of:gold;tin;tungsten, and;tantalum.The regulation requires EU companies in the supply chain to ensure they import these minerals and metals from responsible and conflict-free sources only.

The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is a free, standardized reporting template developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) that facilitates the transfer of information through the supply chain regarding mineral country of origin and the smelters and refiners being utilized. The template also facilitates the identification of new smelters and refiners to potentially undergo an audit via the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).

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